Recently, Dora Orhenstein, from 'The Crochet Insider', asked that question to a Crochet Yahoo group.
I've been crocheting for nearly forty years. Started as a teenager in college (PSU), eventually taught myself to read patterns (the girls on campus got sick of me asking how to do stuff!). I had a Saturday morning class for a little while teaching new stitches. Even the girl who first taught me came to the class!!
I've always been curious about different things about crochet. I try to challenge myself to find and do not only different new things, but find and do different ways to do some of the same things.
I became a CYCA Certified Crochet Teacher 10 yrs ago, but I was already teaching at different senior centers in the area, mostly volunteering.
Teaching brought out a different concept to my crocheting, improvisation.
Learning to adapt to different ideas to accommodate the different types of crocheters was a challenge in of itself.
Funny, most of my students think I'm obsessed with crocheting, but whenever they need help, who do they contact! ;-)
Finally, I have to acknowledge that with the introduction of the Internet, I've been more open with my crocheting. Only ever met one other male crocheter here locally, he was in his 70's, and was 'tickled pink' to finally met one himself!. But with the Internet, I've met dozens of guys, of different ages, races, and backgrounds.
I'm glad to see some of my work has inspired a few young guys.