Maybe it's just me.....
A few weeks ago, I was asked to help a lady who comes to a friend's LYS, to teach her how to do the entrelac crochet stitch in the round.
She doesn't get out much, and my friend will pick her up and spend the whole day with her. I've known her for years coming to the shop, and she's a nice lady.
So, I've gone to the yarn shop a couple of times, just asked her to either bring/buy lunch for my time.
Well, today I couldn't make it, so I called my friend who picks tyhe lady up, to let her know, and she tells me out that the lady wasn't going there anyway......
OK, is it me, or do I think that's a little strange??
I was taught it was just common courtesy to imform people that you're canceling a appointment, especially if that person's has to travel to meet you.
And not in a 'matter of fact' sort of way....a kind of 'my bad' attitude!!
So, if I hadn't of called, I would of went there for nothing (not that I don't enjoy spending time with my friend)!!
I just don't like feeling like I'm being taken for granted. That, as if I don't have anything else to do, and it's no big thing. But if I was to comment on it, I'm viewed as being too sensitive.
Maybe I'm just too nice, trying to be considerate in a non-considerate world.
Guess it's just the way of the world today.